Progress Pics

I rocked out the week last week and saw the scale dip down to 171.0 by Friday afternoon. I started at 206 so that's officially 35 pounds lost. Its odd to me because I feel like I should have more progress by now. I started keto in November of 2021 and this weight is coming off so slow. I am in perimenopause though so I guess I'm just grateful that I AM losing. I am on Lake Michigan where temperatures are still fluctuating wildly so I pretty much live in my baggy layers of warm clothing with a long sweatshirt on top so my body changes are hidden and I really only have a full length mirror in my office because our bathroom is too small for one. I can feel hip bones where they used to be really buried can see my collarbone again ans my face looks so much thinner now but my brain doesn't really process that I've lost weight. I get frustrated with the scale because it will go way down then pop back up a pound or two, even when I'm eating clean. That's why scales are not the best tool. I decided to take some more progress pictures today. I have not posted any up until now because I never took true "before" photos and I didn't have any workout clothes to take the photos in so I just happened to snap a photo of what I call my "dishcloth" dress in June of 2022 so I am somewhat using that as a comparison. In February 2023 I decided to take some in my swimsuit because it's closer to workout wear. I feel totally vulnerable putting these photos out there in the universe but I am proud of how far I've come. I have lost 8 inches off my hips, and 6 off my waist and I couldn't really grasp the difference until I took the photos and put them side-by-side. I felt really good about the difference and that it IS noticeable and I am going in the right direction. So I will persevere and hopefully I can get out of the 170's before April is done! Here are my progress photos. The swimsuit "before" photos are from 2/1/23 and then today. The dress front views are June of 2022, 2/1/23 and today, back view February and again today. What a difference the last two months have made!


  1. Amazing!!! Love that you have lost that 35! Congratulations! I see the differences and i know it feels amazing! Great Job!


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