Might as Well be Monday

I confess, I broke my rule about not looking at the scale except on Mondays.  It was out of curiosity, due to the fact that I hadn't taken my medicine for two days, and last night was my first night back on it.  For anyone new to my blog, I take meds for high blood pressure which includes a mild diuretic.  Along with that, I had a dose of Tylenol Sinus Nighttime as well, as my head felt like it was going to explode from all the pressure.  This morning's weight was 175, a number I've never seen before, because after I hit 150 I stopped stepping on scales until I was over 200.  So, while I feel a little shocked and thrilled about that, I am taking it with a grain of salt, as it could just be water weight that will return once I'm hydrated again.  Or muscle loss, being that I haven't been hitting the weights as often as I should. 
I'll try to catch up with whats been going on.  Friday was the interview for the dimly-lit optometry office.  I had a really good feeling about the interview, and left thinking I had it in the bag.  The weekend was pretty much business as usual, hanging out with the family watching every Gorden Ramsey show we could find on demand.  Then, Sunday evening is when Zach hurt his foot, just before bedtime.  He was still refusing to use it on Monday, so he stayed home.  I figured I'd wait it out and see if it was going to be temporary, or if something more serious was going on.  Later that day I got a call from a retinal specialist office that I applied to more than 2 weeks ago, and set up an interview.  The lady that I was talking to seemed a little irritated when I couldn't take the first time she offered.  I made the mistake of specifying that that time wouldn't work because the kids had a late-start for school that day.  We scheduled for tomorrow at 8 AM.  After I hung up, I realized my mistake.  My second son doesn't get on the bus until 8:10 AM.  Since then I have tried to think of everything I could to not have to call and reschedule this interview.  But my mother-in-law is in Hawaii, my husband can't get the morning off, and school doesn't let me drop him off before 8:15.  Blah!  So today I had to call and ask to reschedule.  I feel like such a loser doing it.  I am waiting for the HR lady to call me back.  I'm guessing my chances for actually landing this job are in the gutter now.
Yesterday, Zach was still refusing to walk on his foot, so I brought him to the ER.  They took X-rays and said there were no broken bones (THANK GOD!), just sprained.  I wasn't sure if he was going to attempt to use it today, but I told him he HAD to go to school, and he had to use it.  He was walking on it yesterday, I think he was just scared it was going to hurt.  As soon as he got out in the snow, he was using it like it never happened. 
Today has been a day of doing things I absolutely DO NOT want to do.  Going grocery shopping is one thing, but driving clear across town on slippery roads is another.  It turns out the roads were not as bad as I expected, and I got the shopping done in record time.  Then the call to reschedule my interview.  I will still have to speak with her, which is another thing I am anxious about.  Then there's the whole business of the workout that is waiting for me to do.  There is not one little part of me that feels like working out today.  And it's not just because I am sick, I have had a drooping resolve lately.  Yesterday, after we got done at the hospital, Zach wanted to get Subway, and of course I said yes.  But instead of just waiting the two minutes to get home and eat something "on plan" I got a 6 inch tuna sub (honey oat bread) and a bag of Pizza flavor doritos, which I justified because they're new.  Guess what?  My nose is so stuffy I could barely taste any of it.  It did feel good to indulge, and I think we all need to do that from time to time.  At least it wasn't chocolate or ice cream.  I am trying to always be mindful of my sugar addiction and that one little slip of eating those damaging sugars will throw me back into the addiction.    So, even though I feel a bit lousy today, I know I will do my circuit work and I know I will feel great when its done.  After all, it's only a half hour.  Hopefully, before too long,  I will have that interview rescheduled.  I really want this job. 
So, I guess I'm done babbling for now, what a boring, directionless blog!  Might as well be Monday!


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