Monthly Measurements

It has been a crazy weekend and start to the week complete with near-death virus striking (dramatic, but it sucks), and Zach scaring us that his foot was broken.  Thankfully, it is just a sprain.  After nursing everyone, I have become sick with the same virus.  Blah!  So I am only going to leave my measurements and get some rest. 
These measurements are for the month from Jan 1 to Feb 1.  My weight on Monday was 178.
This month                                                             Total loss to date
Bust: 1-5/8 inches lost                                             2-3/4 inches
Chest: 1-5/8 inches lost                                            1-7/8 inches
Waist: 7/8 inches lost                                               1-3/4 inches
Hips: 1-1/8 inches lost                                              3-1/8 inches
Thighs: 3/8 inches lost                                               5/8 inches
Knees: 1/4 inches lost                                               1/4 inches
Calves: no loss or gain                                               1/8 inch
Upper Arm: 1/2 inch lost                                            1 inch
Forearms: 1/8 inch lost                                               1/4 inches

My legs have always been my trimmest feature, so I don't expect too much loss on them.  So, that's it.  Hope everyone's having a great start to the week and looking forward to spring as much as I am!


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