
I feel like this day disappeared in the blink of an eye and I'm here blogging when I should be getting to bed.  
A morning meeting ran late and I didn't get a workout in before work.  By the time I got home it was 7pm and I felt a little wiped out, but it is beautiful weather so I decided I should make use of it.  In Wisconsin, that gorgeous weather disappears way too fast.  I was planning on just taking a low intensity walk, but one the music hit me I was more energetic and plugging along.  It ended up being a great walk after all.  
My muscles are still sore from Saturday, but I know it's a good thing, that means I made them work, and the more I do that the easier recovery will be.  The first few times are always the toughest.  I will try to train my other body parts this week.  I'm hoping that weight training can become habitual like walking has become for me.  I like how strong it makes me feel, like I am pushing myself to new limits, even though I'm only using ten pound weights.  
I can tell my body is changing, I'm having a tough time keeping my skirts up where they used to stay, which means I'm constantly stepping on them or getting them stuck in the wheels of my computer chairs at work.  It's a rather annoying side effect but I'll accept it considering what it does for my mood.  I think I am in a good place with this right now.  I am doing stuff that makes me feel good, but when I start to let doubt creep in I remind myself that some really attractive men are attracted to me even at this weight.  One of them is my husband.  He keeps wanting to go out to restaurants on the weekends, sometimes 2-3 times a weekend and I caught him joking that I was going to "get skinny and leave".  So now I'm joking that he's trying to keep my fat so I'll stay around.  It's all in fun.  I have healthier choices at the restaurants we go to so its not all-out burgers and fries type stuff.  Vegetarian meals tend to be a little higher carb in restaurants, but it's not killing me.  I'm using South Beach Diet as a guide, not to rule my life.  I feel good, and that was the main reason for starting this.  What an absolute gift that my knee doesn't hurt anymore and I have more energy!  The weight loss is truly a bonus.  


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