
I work in a health clinic.  It is a health clinic who has famed quarterback Aaron Rodgers as our spokesperson, so health is a big deal.  So we get rewards for doing healthy things (yep, cash), but we also get emailed snippets of health news, tips, tricks and trivia.  Last week I got this video in my email.  I watched it at work and immediately felt a mental change, a wake-up of sorts.  It made me refocus on that area of my life that has been dead since school started again and my life is chaos.  I am not sure the slant on the research/data, but to me, it doesn't matter.  For years we have been told that diet is more important than exercise (the old 80/20 stat that's been hanging out forever) and I do totally agree that it is important, but this video does a couple things for me.  First, it alleviates my all-or-nothing mentality of if I am doing it, I have to also be on low-carb diet or it's not even worth it.  And maybe the slant is that this video is talking about health, and I believe the whole 80/20 thing is from the bodybuilding/weightloss arena, which is concerned with physique over all else.  Secondly, it makes me feel like I have been overcomplicating things.  I can stop overthinking the eating thing and just get out there and move, and that will equate to a much healthier body than eating super clean and not exercising at all.  Now something here makes sense.  When I was diagnosed with high cholesterol and high blood pressure, I went on the South Beach Diet, per my Dr.'s recommendation, and I lost a boatload of weight and my cholesterol was *sPaRkLiNg*, but my good-to-bad cholesterol ratio was still not ideal.  My Dr. told me the only way I could get it to reverse was to exercise.  So I started exercising and the next labwork came back so good that even he couldn't believe my numbers.  Now it makes sense.  For me, I saw the numbers right in front of me, the proof was in the sugar-free pudding, so to speak.  But the kicker is this; those numbers didn't matter as much to me as the fact that I was losing weight.  I took my health for granted when I was younger, but now I get so nervous and worried every time something feels a little different in my body, I think to myself, I am slowly killing myself with food and laziness!  And the thought depresses me and makes me want to comfort-eat. 
I have been making some healthier choices since watching this video, swapping out more water for the Diet Coke which has been irritating my stomach lately, walking more, eating smaller meals.  But I have also been eating some carb-heavy foods in between.  Forever caught in the in-between, I am struggling to not make such a big deal out of the food so it will lessen it's affect on me, but most of my meals and snacks are sensible.  My knee feels bad, and I don't know if it's the carbs or the colder weather, or if it's because I haven't been doing stretching of any kind lately.  I won't know if the carbs are truly what is affecting my knee unless I go back on a ketogenic diet for a bit to single it out.  I have been eating that way most of the day, but more out of habit by now, not so much that I'm making an effort to lose weight.  I may try it out next week or for two weeks.  I was going to do it last week, but after getting the flu shot my stomach was feeling so aweful all week.  I know you can't get the flu from the shot, but something made me feel bad last week and I ended up needing to eat bland food.
Anyway, I hope you like the video, and I hope you're doing good!


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