Making Adjustments

The "plant-forward" plan is going so-so for me. I am finding myself hungry every 2 hours or so and I have just been pushing my hunger aside because "in an hour I'll be home or going to lunch or what have you. I do have nuts with me as a backup but I am not being smart about keeping myself satisfied so then I get home and rush to the warm bean burritos in the freezer with a side of tortilla chips. It's not a big deal but I know I can fix this so my eating feels controlled by reason instead of feeling like it's driven by extreme hunger. I am noticing that some of what's driving my after work behavior is the fact that I have experienced the most challenging part of my day before that and being home is a release and a comfort and I find myself wanting my food to feel that way too. Also, I really notice the lack of feeling warm and full with my food during the day and sometimes I am so hungry that I just want to feel full. There is a MENTAL satisfaction that comes along with that and I am going to have to experiment with ways to satisfy my mind with my evening meals. For now, I at least know that eating cold things for dinner (a salad like this week's planned dinner) isn't a good idea for me because I will seek out warmth that time of day. So my plan is to switch out my lunch (warm food) with my dinner (salad). I am also going to work on eating when I am hungry so I never get so hungry that it overpowers reason. And finally, I will need to break the habit of eating right when I get home. I have conditioned myself that home=eat, even if I ate only 1 hour before arriving home. There are non-food ways to relieve the stress from my work day and feel the fullness of being in my safe, warm place again. I have allowed more sweets, junk food and chips to creep in last week/weekend and I do know part of it is the mental aspect of feeling less full eating healthier so that will be something I have to work on as well. In general, I am slowly making positive changes in my diet, learning somw new recipes and I am getting way more plants in my diet. I am well on my way to making this a lifestyle change and I look forward to seeing how it affects my overall health down the road.


  1. You have made some very important discoveries! You are learning how your body and mind operates and have a clear plan to make changes that will make your body healthier!!! I’m ok with the cold/warm food thing but I need to have something crunchy with my food. One pretzel stick...anything!


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