Donut trigger

I'm in the pocket of the Grumpy O (ovulation) and the cravings were shoving me around a little over the weekend. I didn't go nuts, but I did have a few peanut butter Oreo's and some Cool Ranch Doritos.  It was the first time in a good while that I craved sweets.  I live on the same block as a corner grocery store that makes fresh donughts each morning.  Saturday when I had the dog out I could smell them, and in particular, it smelled like a powdered sugar longjohn filled with custard.  LOL, at least, that's what my drooling mind thought it smelled like.  That put a major craving in my brain and I was really close to going to get some for myself and my boys.  When I got back inside, I told myself I would have 1 or 2 cookies and if I still felt like I MUST have a donught, I would go get some.  Two cookies did the trick and I didn't think of sweets the rest of the day.  I was happy that worked.  I don't typically keep sugary stuff in the house because my kids are trying to clean up their diet too, but I could tell I was going to crave it so having it in the house (now that I have self-control over my desire/volume) is better than if I go to the store craving sugar.  So that worked well and it's a nice tool.  In general during Grumpy O and PMS I just simply want to eat, even when I am uncomfortably full, which I rarely let myself get to anymore.  So I also used gum this weekend to help with that.  Sunday was a day that I needed to chew gum because I was less active, and working on projects and such makes me want to mindlessly crunch.  I ate a couple handfuls of Cheetos that I really didn't need.  I didn't beat myself up over it, I just satisfied the part that needed it, then I moved on.  The next time my brain told me I needed something and I wasn't hungry, I reached for the sugar-free gum.  It was refreshing and I chewed it for several hours before eating again. 
This phase doesn't last long, then I'll probably be fine for another week or week and a half before the cravings kick in again.  The fat cravings are so much easier to take care of, put a big chunk of avocado on something or have a turkey sandwich with mayo, or snack on some cheese.  Sweets are a little tougher.  I'm just happy having some cookies didn't trigger more cravings for sweets.  Today I was able to get back to my norm. 
I know how it feels to say that I had XYZ that doesn't fit the picture of someone trying to get to a healthier weight, but I'm coming from a place of compulsive eating with tendencies to binge.  I bounced wildly between that and being on a super restrictive diet and trying to kill myself with workouts because I thought that equated to "happy-skinny".  Being restrictive only made me rebound really hard back into binge behaviors.  I felt like a failure/weak/stupid and I had a love-hate relationship with food.  So to get to the point where I can make the mental trade-off to have 2 Oreos instead of 1-3 donuts... that's a pretty big deal for me.  It feels like what normal people do; they don't eat junk food every day, but when they genuinely want some, they have some (ie, not the whole package), then they eat pretty healthy otherwise. 
Anyway, I survived the weekend.  Cookies, donuts or kale, I am still here to talk about it.  Life is pretty fantastic!  


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