Pain in the Neck

Things are still rolling along smoothly for me.  I am still doing my morning zumba every single day, keeping it fresh by finding new videos.  Some are higher energy than others, with some jumping and such, and some move so fast that I'm always a few steps behind, but it's so fun. 
I recently rewarded myself for sticking to it by buying some good quality bluetooth headphones because I was getting so tired of having to hold my phone and the cord getting in my way when I try to move my arms.  This has been such a great gift to myself and I will appreciate them for a long time to come!
Yesterday I had a regularly scheduled chiropractor appointment and I told him about the pinched nerve I have running down my shoulder, making my fingers numb.  He suspects I have a bulging disc in my neck, which is what I was thinking it was.  He was really concerned and said if it doesn't get better in 1 week (which will be 3 wks total that I've been dealing with this) we will get an MRI to confirm.  That will likely mean more frequent appointments again, but hopefully it can be treated with this conservative, chiropractic care. I really really don't want anyone messing around inside my neck. 
To make matters worse, the clinic where I work has stopped taking my husband's insurance so I am in the position of needing to find a new doctor and a different clinic.  UGH.  I don't have a lot of pain at all, it's just very annoying that my fingers are numb.  There's always something going on with this tired old body of mine!  I do think the way I sleep is horrible for my neck so I will follow whatever advice I get from my chiropractor.
There was cake at work this week.  I only indulged twice and was a little overwhelmed by the buttercream frosting, but I was just thinking about it today how nice it is that I don't have to scrutinize over the macros for once in my life.  I can have rice, bread, cake and even cookies if I want, as long as it fits my calorie budget.  Not that I would choose to eat those things every day, but it's nice that I don't have to stress out when I do.  Last night at bedtime I had a hashbrown patty with cheese and a small dish of frozen black cherries.  It was so satisfying and tastey and I still ended up a decent amount of calories under budget.  I have stopped trying to be "in the zone" and am just accepting the fact that most days I am going to come in under budget.  I will fuss over that once I lose more weight, I don't think it matters as much right now. 
Not much new to say, I am just swimming along, tracking and measuring/weighing food.  Next week will be a new menu because I'm getting tired of all the things I've been eating for so long.  It's a labor of love; I have such a hard time thinking of what I can make and take, but it's all worth it in the end. 
Hope everyone is having a great week!


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