Road Trip

Friday night we were supposed to meet friends for dinner, and as we headed to the spot, just 16 miles outside of town, the weather was pretty good.  It had snowed lightly just before we left for dinner, but the roads were decent by Wisconsin standards.  Then as we were about 3 miles before the restaurant, there was a complete white-out.  It was snowing and blowing so hard that we couldn't even see the driveway and also missed another exit.  We finally found an exit ramp and while trying to get across the bridge we were sliding every which way.  My anxiety was through the roof.  My husband and I agreed we would turn around and get dinner closer to home.  For the first few miles it was still white-out conditions where it was nearly impossible to even see where the road was.  We felt lucky there was a semi in front of us to follow blindly.  Then once we crossed over the certain spot, it was completely snow-free and fine.  It felt like we'd crossed into another universe that night.  I guess maybe that's how I feel about my lack of blogging despite doing really well right now.  It's not usual for me to stop blogging when I'm doing good, but I am.  I am actually looking forward to weighing in on Saturday. 
Maybe I'm not feeling like I have too much to say or any advice to give because this feels deceptively easy. I don't have to eliminate any certain food groups, I don't really sit and think about food much because I know I can have whatever I want as long as I stay within my budget. 
My metabolism has been cRaZy since I started doing zumba!  I am hungry every 2 hours or so.  I usually try to stretch it out a little closer to 3 hours but I really hate the stomach growls.  Even on days when we eat out, I am finding myself below my calorie budget.  I did make sure I worked out every day this week AND weekend, in order to have a bigger calorie budget.  It also makes me feel fantastic in the morning when I start my day with heart-pumping exercise and emerge glistening and glowing and ready to take on any mental challenges headed my way. I may not look pretty doing zumba, what with body parts flinging and flying everywhere, but I sure have fun! I hope my local YMCA offers Zumba at a time that works with my schedule this summer.  Right now only run one class and it's during my work day. 
I am noticing a lift in my energy, which is a big big deal.  I have been longing to feel this spark of energy for years, and it has been elusive! So basically, I work out to have energy and to be able to eat more food.  Ha ha. 
I had a few minutes this morning when a binge was pulling at the corners of my mind.  You're alone, no one will know it hissed at the back of my mind. I didn't give in because I wasn't hungry and because last time I gave in I was surprised how many calories piled on in a very short time from a seemingly healthy snack.  Here's where the work I did with the Brain Over Binge workbook came in handy.  I knew if I found something else to do I would stop feeling triggered by food and I was right.  I have given into that snake of a voice so many times, almost by rote, but not this time.  I am never going to break it's grip if I never say no.  So that was a great 'mental floss' victory!  I am happy the binge cravings are very few and far between these days, the more I am able to not pay those little voices any attention, the less powerful they feel. 
Sometimes I think to myself, did I really just fix decades of dieting by reading a book and blog and copy-catting? I don't fool myself into thinking I have this all figured out, but I do feel pretty fantastic about where I am now and where I seem to be heading.  And that's enough for now.   


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