
In my last post, I wrote about how out of balance I feel lately. I let a busier-than-usual schedule overwhelm me and continued to react to it as if someone precious was taken from me. I have a hard time letting go when I feel like an injustice has befallen me. And I was today years old when I realized that it's not the fact that these things happen to me, but that I have really ineffective coping mechanisms that make me hang onto things much longer than I should. This keeps me stuck in a place I don't want to be. One of the things I didn't plan for was what a change it would be for me now that my husband doesn't work weekends. He used to work every other weekend, which meant I had time to myself to do whatever I needed, rest, write, watch chick flicks, read etc. I am a homebody and my husband starts getting restless if it gets to be 10 A.M and he hasn't left the house. I will say that, though I am always reluctant to go do a bunch of stuff, when I do I am almost always happy I did. But it's always at a compromise for what else I'm not getting done. One thing that always accompanies our little day trips is eating out. And now that my husband's done with work at 2:30 on Fridays, he likes it if the two of us go out for a bite to eat and a cocktail. OK. I get it, Friday night feels good, and I have given in to the feeling of letting go for the weekend. The problem is, once you get me started, I have a hard time stopping come Monday morning. So we ate out 3 times this weekend. Typically I like to stay home on Sunday and make it low key so I feel rested for the coming week. But my husband knows my sweet spot is going to look for beach glass at a certain beach about 30 minutes away, and finally enough snow has melted to make it worth the trip. He suggested we go there on Sunday and I couldn't resist. Then we went to eat at some bar and grill and it was heavy and greasy and I got to a point where I was do over greasy food that takes hours and hours to feel like it's digesting. After our lunch we started heading toward home. It was mid-afternoon and I was struggling to keep my eyes open driving home. I was looking forward to getting home, cleaning my beach treasure and taking a nap. My husband jolted me awake in thr car by asking, "Do you want to see a peacock?" Me being and animal (and in particular bird) lover, I said "Yeah, I like peacocks!" We found ourselves at a tiny zoo inside a bigger park system with a river and wooded trails. The only animals they had out were peacocks, goats, deer and a lamb, but we certainly had fun. I was still *yawn* ready for a nap, but the chilly air after that greasy meal was refreshing at least. And, peacocks!
So it was yet another time when my husband knew what was better for me than I did. Good thing I listen to him most of the time!


  1. Glad you listened to your husband and got out and saw the peacocks! :-) They are so pretty!

    I also struggle with letting things go...even though I know that holding on only hurts me!!!!! Recognizing it is the first step to fixing it though...right???

    1. Absolutely! We miss out on the present when we focus so much on the past.


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