Progress, not Perfection

Last week's Peleton class was the only one I ended up doing because I was sore for a few days after that. I did do yoga one day and to finish out the week I gave my dog his wish and took him for longer walks in the morning, that ended up being about 50 minutes each. I have been taking him for half hour walks after work too now that it's warmer out. I love hearing the birds singing so happy! It is one of my very favorite things about spring. I never really realize how quiet winter is until the birds return in spring. I didn't work out yesterday because I woke up with a massive, horrible headache. I know I probably would have felt better after a workout but at the time, that idea seemed not logical so I listened to my body. Today I did a 10-minute strength class that focused on legs and glutes. The class was led by a funny Irish guy who was swearing. I can't believe I actually had fun kicking my own butt. And OH! did I ever! I'm going to be really sore the next couple days! Later in the day I realized that the same guy who taught today's class is the very jumping man I posted a picture of in ghe last post!Hahahahaha!! I stand corrected for all the preconceived notions and prejudices I had about him. He said something to the tune of 'grab your heavies (heavy weights) and tell them I'm going to kick your a$$!' I was chucking at him. Which was good because my legs and glutes were crying. I know tomorrow's sore legs will be making me want to skip working out, so I'm preparing for the battle tonight so maybe I'll have a fighting chance.


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