A Plan

After my last post I realized that failure to devote time to planning what I want to change and strategies to accomplishing those changes was just another way to delay doing anything so I can continue to live on autopilot and not have to challenge myself or focus on the way I'm hurting myself. Change doesn't happen from a comfortable place. So, I decided to jot down some things I want to change and how I feel I can make it happen. Some of the things are mental things like negativity towards myself and others, and some are more physical like making a goal to be active at least 5 days a week. I have a plan for over and undereating, being more conscious of how and what I eat and also calming behaviors. This will not be a feat of self-punishment but I will approach it as an act of self-love and care and it will begin with my first moments awake and follow me through my day. I'm sure it will expand as I work through it and it becomes more routine, but for now, I have a start. I have healthy food already planned for myself this week and my goal is to stick to it through the week to see how my stomach and energy levels feel at the end. I am also (again) planning some meditation into my evening because I really need even just five minutes of quiet stillness to stop my 'planning mind' and let my body have a sense that everything is as it should be. More to follow.


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