Did it

Today before I even got out of bed my mind was trying to tell me to postpone doing the things I said I would . I thought about the absurdity of promises we make for our future selves, assuming we will have the mental energy later that we don't already have. I have long wondered what is that one factor that makes us agree to try instead of sinking back into our comfortable rut. Today part of what made me exercise was the work challenge. Participating in these little challenges looks great on our annual review. To clarify the work challenge is to do one thing for yourself that "fills your bucket". It can be exercise, meditation, Journaling, etc. and one thing kind for someone else. I will do this for 30 days. For myself I was going to take it one step further and do one physical thing and one mental thing for my health. Anyway, today I danced. My foot was still sore from our walk on the beach (and I twisted that ankle yesterday too) but dancing didn't bother my foot at all today. And since its one of my favorite things to do, that was a great way to start my challenge. The music, as it turns out, lifted my spirits too. The mental health was a little harder to work in tonight because I had a bunch of food prep to get done. I am planning to meditate as I drift off to sleep tonight.


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