There's No Crying in Yoga

I have been dabbling on the Yoga with Adriene YouTube channel for a few years now and I have really come to adore how she is so easy-going while often times kicking my behind with core work. I don't believe I have ever stepped off the mat feeling worse than when I started. Adriene does incorporate some of the mental stuff into the class, so it's not just holding postures. I sometimes like to read the comments to see if people feel how I do about a certain class and a lot of times people mention that a certain posture made them emotional. I never had that happen and it almost made me feel like a fraud, but I know that what I do for myself is always a positive so I would never detract from that. Still, I always wondered what that was like. Today I got emotional during my yoga class, and it wasn't a class with Adriene. I really want to take advantage of the gift of this Peleton app so I am vowing to use it all week this week. Having my workouts pre-planned this week means I don't even have the argument in my head about whether or not I should work out before work, I just do it. I have taken one other yoga class through Peleton and thought it was fine, but not as good as Adriene. Today Mt class was with Kirra Michel and though I am still quite sore from Monday's strength workout, using those sore muscles felt kind of good today. Kirra was saying uplifting/inspirational things about how to release the negative thoughts we hold about ourselves and I thought about my body being stiff like my thoughts can sometimes be and while holding pigeon pose, it was like my sore muscles released a lot of tension while and my mond was so tuned into the physical opening that it felt like a mental release too and I got emotional. I really couldn't pinpoint why, but it felt really freeing. Today made me realize how much I enjoy yoga, it feels right to me. As clumsy and not thin as I am, I can do yoga and when I do it feels great after. There were some balance moves in the class today and I was worse than ever, which makes me aware of how weak those muscles are. So, I do think that the way I have my schedule now, with all three strength, cardio and yoga built in, is a necessity. They all feed off one another. At some point, I may change it up so I can do yoga more often, maybe in the evenings, but for now I just want to create a habit of moving more. No trouble with food today, everything went so smoothly. I will be requesting to eat at one of my favorite spots on Friday night, they have a beautiful ahi tuna steak dish that is much healthier than a burger. I am not against having a cheat meal from time to time, but when my resolve is strong it seems a shame to tempt fate. So my week is going good. I got over my Wednesday workout prejudice and had my yoga-induced emotional and physical release. Now that's how you do Wednesday!


  1. I love it! I also wondered about the emotional thing with yoga. I never experienced it. I also love Adrienne….and have done her classes. It is on my list of things to get more serious about once we complete this move!!!

    1. Anonymous- a move takes oh so much energy but a new place can bring a whole new energy.


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