My Body is Falling Apart

Having a holiday on a Monday always messes up my brain for the week! I keep having to really concentrate on what day it is. I treated Monday like a Sunday, which means I didn't put too much stress on food. I am finding that I'm falling into a hard-to-break habit of treating the weekend as if I have stopped dieting. Honestly, I was feeling so terrible last weekend that I tried to sooth myself with food. I am fairly sure I have seasonal allergies because every time I weed the flowerbed or spend time outside my nose starts running and my eyes feel itchy/burning. I have been sneezing a lot too. When I'm inside I feel fine. I have been taking Flonase to no avail. I got a massive sinus headache for about a week that made last weekend hard to be excited about. I also had a catch in my neck that took 5 days to leave, a flare of cricopharyngeal spasm (throat cramp that stays cramped for days on end) and this morning my sinus headache and neck pain was gone (hallelujah) but I now have a spot in my vision. I am trying not to let my anxiety take over. Having been in the eye industry foe 20 years I know this is either from the sinus infection creating pressure or the ibuprofen I took for the sinus headache. That stuff is so very bad for you, especially if you have high blood pressure but I was so tired of the non-stop pressure. If the eye thing doesn't get better after a bit I will have it checked out. I have had issues like this before and no one can figure out why because my blood pressure is controlled and I'm not diabetic, which are the two most common causes. I thought about my health a lot today. Maybe my body is sendingme a sign that it's tired of the abuse. Today my work server was down when I wanted to start work and it crossed my mind briefly that it was the perfect excuse to work out because I haven't in so long. I went on my phone instead. It's stuff like that that keeps me in this place of worrying about my health. I started to doubt my path, questioning if keto is right, as I have so many times. I have to remind myself that I did lose 8 pounds in one month when I was dedicated to it and tracking. Subsequent months were less successful and I put 2 of those pounds back on. I haven't gone fully off the rails at any point, but I haven't been 100% on track since that first month. I know that questioning my path I'd just a way that I have to let myself off the hook while I do more research. I finally figured that out last night as I spent the evening watching YouTube videos about perimenopause and dieting. A diet low in carbs helps reduce inflammation and lessens menopausal symptoms so my looking for some other diet plan to quickly latch onto wasn't fruitful. I told myself I haven't given keto a fair enough try and I'm going to stick with it. I started in mid-November so if by this November I still haven't had more success, I will see either a nutritionist or someone in integrative medicine. That will be my early birthday present to myself because I am turning 50 at the end of the year. Until then, if I am going to be true to this plan I need to be tracking my carbs, working out more consistently and I need to keep the weekends in better control. With the holiday I had extra time for cooking and prepping meals this week. I wanted foods that were ready to go so I wouldn't eat something more convenient. I made the most amazing taco soup It is so easy, you just brown the meat then dump everything in the crock pot all day. I seriously can't get enough. I can see this making it into my regular rotation. I have been 100% on plan this week and having food ready or easy to throw together makes a huge difference. I know I will feel better mentally and energetically if I start working out again. I just have to make up my mind to do it. Story of my life!


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