The Missing Peace

Perhaps this photo best summarizes why I didn't follow through with my plan to start South Beach Diet this week:
My mind was ready one day, because I was focusing on the perception of reaching a goal, but all the planning and mental preparation that needed to be there in order for that to become a reality were lacking.  I looked over the approved foods list and became overwhelmed with everything I can't have for 2 weeks and I felt myself rebelling against the restrictions before I even committed to anything.  It led to a weekend of eating a ton of non-nutritious foods including Oreos and sugary cereal.  My spirits were pretty low over the weekend and that familiar place of discord came flooding in, where I know I have to fix this but feel somewhat powerless to my emotional eating. 
When I wake up, one of the first things I do, by habit, is look at Facebook. Today my bestie posted this on her page and it really woke me up:
I have been saying I am going to start meditating and have used the excuse that I don't have time, and here I have plenty of time since my hours at work are reduced and I haven't made time for meditative practices.  So today I finally did some research on some practices and affirmations I want to include in my daily activities for more mental peace and openness.  Now I have a plan and my intention is to make these two or three items part of a daily ritual. 
I felt so positive after doing this that i pulled out my South Beach Diet book again and looked at the long lists of what I CAN eat on phase 1 and picked out a handful of things I like and with little effort, made a menu for next week. I don't feel good (physically or mentally)  when I eat chips and cookies and grilled cheese and take out food all weekend.  I want to feel better and I deserve it. 
So I plan to start phase 1 next Monday.  There is a workout plan in the book too, which includes a mix of strength training and interval cardio sessions.  I may follow those for a bit to see how it feels.  I have done well on this plan before because its structured.
With the Coronavirus messing up appointments, I can't get in for a physical exam with my doctor until early September now, but I am OK with that because it gives me plenty of time to work on getting healthier, and with hard work I am hoping I can get off the blood pressure medicine. 
Well work calls.  Hope everyone is staying safe and same out there!


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