Mojo MIA

My MOJO is seriously waning with Aunt Flow in the house. Today I had one of those zero energy, slightly hormonally-blue, headache, snuggle in the covers and watch TV all day type of days. It makes me feel like a vampire because my energy and headache don't fix themselves until after sunset. When I feel like this it's usually accompanied by the need to eat. I didn't let myself eat off-plan food because of it, but because I knew I would feel this way, I did plan ahead and get a fee on-plan treats like sugar-free pudding mix and dry roasted peanuts for a crunchy snack. I know when this passes everything will be fine. I want to say I miss yoga but I haven't even thought about it much. I did sign up for Yoga with Adriene's New Year 30-day yoga series. I think I'll get back to my morning yoga soon, just not Monday because I have plans after work so I need to start work at 6AM in order to make it work. Last week I added some carbs back in. I had unsweetened Greek yogurt with a half cup frozen blueberries and some stevia. I had been drooling over the blueberries in the freezer for a while and I imagined them tasting way better than they did. Anyway, I'm happy to report that it didn't make me have wild cravings. Last night I made a steak and peppers dish and made a big pot of Jasmine rice for my family to eat it with, and I decided to have a little too. I cannot overstate my adoration for sticky white rice. I used to have a hard time controlling myself around it. This time I decided if I was going to allow it, I would only have ½ cup and I stuck to it. And you know what? It didn't hold the same level of awesome for me as it once did. I am losing interest in food a little, or at least the obsessive thinking about food or putting certain foods on a pedestal. I do hope that this low-carb thing keeps working for me. I plan to get back to tracking my food again tomorrow, really just to track how many carbs I am eating per day but also to see my calories in vs calories out. Anyway, not a lot to say, just checking in. When my mind's not in it writing does make me feel better. I have had moments where the idea of going off the rails with food sounds great but I know if it would take me as long to get back on track as it did this time, I would have some lasting damage to my body and mind. I have always done that and it got me where I am and it hasn't made me happy in the long run. I am getting a little disillusioned at the rate I imagined the weight would fall off me; like most things in life, it used to be so much easier when I was younger. But I am not a quitter, not this time.


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