Rolling Rolling Rolling

After 1 month of being on track with my resolutions I have lost 5 pounds.  I have also lost inches (yes plural).  My most icky upper roll on my stomach has shrunk 2 whole inches since I began, and there was a loss of inches and partial inches in all the areas I have measured.  I was super stoked about that all weekend! 
So far this year,  I have not consumed more calories than I have burned.  Most of the days I have had a 500 calorie deficit between the two (most days it's more than a 500 calorie deficit) and I have not felt deprived at all. 
Sunday was a sticky day for me.  I woke with a sinus headache and that always makes me feel like I need to be restful (read, lazy).  I didn't make time for a workout on Saturday, with grocery shopping and car repairs, we even went out to dinner and I just didn't settle down until evening and I didn't feel like being active at that point so I didn't.  I was over my calorie budget, so much so that I almost consumed as many calories as I burned.  That's because I had a double-cheeseburger with fries for dinner, and a beer, and I ate it all.  Ugh.  I didn't eat anything else until bedtime when I had some turkey breast.  Sunday though, I got to sleep in and be a little more relaxed.  I had some errands in the early afternoon and typical chores to do, and then my mind started whining that I needed down time.  But I am becoming all-too aware that if I don't work out, my calorie budget is really low/tight for the day.  I got to about 2pm and my Fitbit app was telling me I was only allowed 1,300 calories for the day and I already had 800 or so.  So I went for a walk even though I really didn't feel like it.  I took my dog and he likes to go so fast, so I got a good workout out of it, and my calorie budget shot up to a more comfortable place.  When I finally settled in for some "me time" I watched a show I like and the urge to eat washed over me, even though I wasn't physically hungry.  I have conditioned myself to incorporate indulging in "me time" with eating.  I first sat with the feelings for a bit, trying to ignore them, but they were so strong and I gave in.  I even had a fleeting thought about not logging the calories.  I ate 2 oz of lightly seasoned tortilla chips and 4 whopping oz of some walnut and dried fruit mix (which is surprisingly really calorie-laden).  It was a lot of calories and I had to skip dinner to stay within my budget.  It's OK, all those calories meant that I wasn't physically hungry for dinner anyway, so I guess I could say that unplanned feast was my dinner that night.  I didn't really feel too bad making that compromise; I got to eat what I wanted and gave up a dinner that I wasn't particularly craving at the time. It really gave me pause though, to see it with my eyes how my old habits added up to all this extra weight.  Even when I was eating lower carb than I am now, I had paid no attention to calorie intake so it may have hit the macros just fine but I was eating so so many calories of low carb foods that I can see now how that could have stalled me very early on.  Honestly, I only had one truly successful time on South Beach, when I started this blog, and I got down to 152 pounds.  All other times I have gone low-carb I ate tons of low-carb stuff (cheese in particular) and wasn't concerned with how many calories worth of it I was eating. 
I am still doing Zumba videos from YouTube and I am having so much fun!  I am getting all sweaty and smiley and I sure love the music.  I think I will make it part of my regular rotation when I get to a place where I can establish a schedule.  Dance, yoga, weights and walking will probably all be part of my weekly activities and I do still really want to find time to make a regular practice out of meditation and gratitude. 
Things feel like they are coming together and falling into place comfortably. I am so happy this is going so smoothly so far and it's pretty uncomplicated.  I'm on a roll and I plan to keep right on rolling!


  1. Good for you. And congrats on the loss of inches thats great. That's always the hardest thing for me to lose.

    1. Thank you! Losing inches gets harder as you get more fit. I am just starting back at it so the loss is happening quicker right now.


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