The Funnel Cakes are Safe from me

The weekend foodstravaganza continues! when I think of the overview of eating, it seems like I went crazy with food but in reality, my restaurant meal on Friday was a grilled salmon sandwich (bread and fries not great for me). Saturday we were planning to go to our community street festival, chock full of food trucks, music and (what I was looking forward to) blocks and blocks of art and craft booths. It poured and poured rain all day and everything was canceled or closed until around 4PM when the rain finally lifted and a couple food trucks were open. I had just eaten when my husband decided he wanted to go down and get some food. I didn't eat. I got to watch my husband and son battle the wind while eating a massive burrito standing up because all the benches were soaking wet. It was entertaining. This is the biggest festival of the year for our city and I was a little bummed it got rained out. I momentarily considered the funnel cake but quickly told myself there's pushing the envelope with carbs (salty carbs like chips or fries) and there's over-the-line carbs like those blatantly sweet things and getting back on track is way easier after the salty things than the sweet ones. Because we didn't know if we'd be getting to eat at the festival, I bought the ingredients to make homemade tacos, so that was our dinner that night. I had tortillas and taco shells and some tortilla chips, all not great for low-carb life. Sunday we didn't eat out. My husband got a burger when we went out but I had eaten a little before thar and didn't have anything. He acknowledged that he knows I'm trying to eat better and he doesn't want to be a bad influence, I am just not used to him wanting to eat out so much, it's not always easy to decline the stuff that tastes good. Anyway, Sunday ended up being a clean day and night for me which I feel great about. I fasted more than I meant to last week, because I've been busy in the evenings and found myself eating a later dinner. Even after my more indulgent weekend I weighed myself today and wasn't expecting much but I lost another 2 pounds. That means I have lost a total of 5 pounds in the two weeks that I have been fasting. It honestly doesn't even bother me. If anything, I may get a little hungry right before bed but it's not every time, and sometimes when I'm not fasting and plan to eat before bed, I find I'm not that hungry. In time, I will listen to my body, and gauge whether or not to fast based on how hungry I am before bed, but for now I'm planning which days to fast. I'm so thrilled something is working! I have been watching a lot of Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition lately. I have mixed feelings on it. On one hand, it's inspiring to see the transformations, but working out 4 hours a day is crazy. I understand these are people who need to lose hundreds of pounds but I often feel like they push them too hard, especially when they are starting and at a very low fitness level. In one episode the person wanted to stop because they were tired/breathing so hard they sounded like they were going to keel over and the trainer said something like, "Push through it! I want you to work so hard that you throw up then get up and do it some more" and the times they try to shame the people into submission is off-putting. I understand this trainer has his own way of motivating people for results but it seems extreme. He does get crazy results though. If you haven't seen the show, the trainer takes the client through a "bootcamp" in L.A. where they do grueling workouts and meet with a nutritionist to learn how and what to cook, then the trainer puts exercise equipment in the client's house and moves in with them and trains them and watches what they are eating, etc. After 3 months, the trainer moves out and they have to do it all on their own. That's usually where people start struggling because they have to go back to work and still try to workout that many crazy hours a day. They basically have 9 months to lose a percentage of their starting weight in order to get skin removal surgery. Then they have their final weigh in at 1 year and they get a $50,000 Walmart gift card. So basically, other than the first 3 months where they have the trainer living with them, they really are just applying what they learned from the trainer and pushing themselves. A big theme is not believing they CAN do certain things and the trainer pushes them to show them they can. It's sad to see that many of them regain at least some of the weight. How many of us can speak to that? Still, I find the show inspiring for the most part and think I will return to regular exercise again soon. With a plan that seems to be working now, exercise can be the missing element to help get me where I want to go faster. No formalized plans yet but it is needed. I could be improving my fitness and getting stronger instead of just losing weight. When I started doing keto, I just wanted to take the weight off however it would come off so that I could be healthier, and then I would hone in on intricacies of nutrition. Adding fasting is helping. Exercise, I believe, will be the last piece of the trifecta.


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