August Challenge

July was OK I suppose. I finally got back down to 166 pounds, which represents 40 pounds lost. I am over the moon about it, but it seems like every few pounds lost becomes a sticking spot and it takes a long time to get the needle going down again. July was somewhat stressful and my cycle was off which led to me feeling like I had PMS most of the month. Gotta love perimenopause! I ended up not fasting very long and allowing extra keto snacks and the weekends included unclean meals. So I decided to challenge myself to have a "clean" August. This is part of my larger goal to have lost 51 pounds by my 51st birthday on December 29. Some of the things I will challenge myself with in August are things I previously focused on but let go of. One of them is to give up sweet tasting drinks (even zero calorie sweeteners) when I'm in my fasting window. That includes drinking my coffee black, which will easily help me cut down on my caffeine consumption, another goal of mine. I will also be limiting my non-keto meals on the weekends to one maximum per weekend, but only if I feel I need it. I admit I often eat non-keto meals when we go out because I get more food for a lower price; a burger typically comes with fries. When I eat clean I get the burger without a bun or ketchup and a salad on the side, which costs more and is less filling. It's a compromise. Anyway, I want to get more active in August too. Another thing I am challenging myself to do is to use my standing desk at least half of my work day (4 hours). Today I met my goal of standing 4 hours during work. I split the time up because I don't think I could do 4 hours straight. There were times i wanted to sit but kind of like waiting a little longer while fasting, pushing myself a little more is somewhat gratifying. There's nothing like self-mastery to make you feel strong! While I was standing I did some squats, leg lifts and stretching. When I sat the last 2 hours of the day I got so very sleepy that I almost dozed off during work! This is a challenge my brain is fighting against but hopefully with time I will get used to standing more and it won't feel like I want to rebel. Sitting is just soooo comfortable. Anyway, I made some personal care goals too like using the fancy wrinkle lotions I love to buy and not use, and getting back into the habit of flossing my teeth, and not locking my knees when I stand and using the railing less when I go up and down the stairs. Whew! Wonder how many more things I can cram into one month?! So my official weight today on start is 167.6. I want to get to 155 by December 29. That might sound like no big deal but man these pounds have been coming off so slowly! I do plan to take body measurements as well so I can tell if I'm losing inches instead of weight. Ultimately, whether I hit my goal by the end of the year or not, thus is the most successful I have been for a long time, and the longest I have stuck to any plan ever so I have already won. I really do like a challenge though so I'm really going to try! My big sales event of the summer is only 11 days away and I am getting a little nervous about making it all come together in time. It will be a fun learning experience and I will hopeful sell some of my art! I will likely take the rest of the summer off of events because I really felt like I was working 2 jobs this summer having to paint every day to make sure I have enough inventory. My bestie bought a bunch of items from my Etsy shop so I had to make a bunch more to be sure I have a good variety. Anyway, things are going good and I'm looking forward to "owning" August! Hope you all are getting after it out there. Summer's almost gone, make sure you enjoy what's left!


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