Farewell Summer!

I can hardly believe Labor Day has come and gone when it seems like summer just began a week or two ago! Time is so elusive as I age. I suppose I feel blessed to be so busy that time just flew by, but I do so love summer. But oh! What a summer I had! I got out and sold my art, I met a lot of people and networked with shop owners, I participated in two big art projects, we took many lakeshore drives, explored museums and strolled through parks eating ice cream. This is the first summer I can remember since I was young, that I was fully present for the joy. I am normally so distracted by my to-do list that I get to the end of summer and feel robbed because I didn't stop and stargaze or didn't appreciate the smell of bonfires or the crickets at night. This year, I was so aware of how happy I was. Maybe it the anxiety/depression medication I started in spring, maybe its having success with my art or giving up my position on my church board amid bad feelings about those in charge. whatever it is, I am so appreciative that it happened and I hope it continues. My art was my focus over the summer. It's a lot of work making sure I have enough art made for my booth to look full. Then there's the pricing things and listing them on Etsy, and I had to buy a few more items off Marketplace because I hand painted a side table and 3 ladies were all wanting it at my big event in August, so I vowed to paint more tables. Weightloss was not so much on my mind. Well, that's not exactly true, I ate pretty freely on weekends, weeks off of work, and holidays, and there was even some off-plan eating from time to time during the week. The whole time I vowed I would get back on track "next month". When August began, I had my big 2-day event and also a market that month and time off work, my husband and I took more leisurely drives which leads to eating out more. I was craving ice cream like crazy and gave into the craving a few times. I finally decided September was it, and after Labor Day I was going to buckle down and turn the "fun bus" around. before all the indulgences my weight was holding steady around 154. Yesterday I weighed in at 163! I was a little shocked how quickly the weight came back on. Granted, a bunch of that is water weight. I lost 2 pounds overnight, and expect to drop back into the 150's next week. I don't really have a definitive plan laid out, my goal for the first 2 weeks is to get back into the mindset of eating for health instead of pleasure and rebellion. I have realized that even the decision to focus on health is me deciding to do the hard things. Once I'm past the first day or two of lower carb, I really don't find it difficult to stick to. I am eating yummy stuff that is on-plan and I am not adding fasting back in just yet because I don't want to feel deprived in the first 2 weeks,which includes my progesterone/ PMS phase. I am doing physical therapy exercises and stretches for my snapping hips and it is helping. I have also put more energy into cleaning my house more frequently, which ends up being good exercise and lots of extra steps. And besides power-walking my dog every morning, my husband and I have been getting in lots more walking, especially on the weekends when we get out and do stuff. So that's where I'm at. I did switch up my morning coffee for a homemade keto electrolyte drink too. I had so much energy today I felt almost manic,but I think that was the result of keeping my carbs pretty low and my fat pretty high. I have always felt more motivated to buckle down and tackle things in fall. Maybe its reminiscent of when I was in school, I always initially enjoyed the structure of school in fall, there was always a feeling of a fresh start with lots of promise ahead. So it seems appropriate to refresh my thoughts and my journey toward healing now. At 161 pounds, I still have weight to lose in order to get out of the "obese" BMI category. I still have goals that I want to achieve, to prove to myself that I can make this a lifestyle, even if I let things loosen up from time to time, and that it doesn't mean I am going to regress back to where I started and was stuck for so long. I know in my heart of hearts, I want to achieve lasting health and the ability to move with a reasonable amount of ease more than I want ice cream or fries. And I know those things are OK sometimes but not all the time. It was all part of the celebratory feeling this summer had for me. It's been a great year and I have done, seen, amd learned a lot. I'm ready to slow down the party and enjoy what comes next with a little more self-control.


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