Me too

Yes, the Coronavirus is stressing me out too.  My kids were pulled out of school, which I am gratful for, but it creates a lot more questions and challenges since my husband and I are still working and not there to keep them on track with their online learning.   My older son took his driver's license road test on Monday and didn't pass, and he has a horrible cold (it started before we had any confirmed cases in our county so I think it's just a cold). 
I have been really stressed out with not knowing if we are closing, if I can claim unemployement or what my schedule will be like...I work in a health clinic, but I am a lowly optician, I sell and repair eyeglasses.  Definitely not an essential role, and in my opinion they should have closed our opticals but the company has decided to keep us here.  Our doctors and surgeons are taking emergency patients only for at least the next 30 days.  They are offering us opticians (there are 8 of us) some hours in our optical department, with all eyeglass pick ups to be scheduled 1/2 hour apart from one another, but we are also allowed to sell people glasses, which is another thing that seems absurd to me since we have to get relatively close to someone's face to take measurements and also to fit their glasses for them.  If we want 40 hours paid work we will be allowed to work at the drive-through COVID19 drive-through stations.  Uhhh, right!  These are the stations where people who have qualifying symptoms come to get tested.  High risk job, we are not nurses, we can't take blood, we don't have protective equipment.  It seems my company is doing everything they can to avoid us being able to file unemployement and just be home with our families safe.  I have written to my governor asking him to consider closing all non-essential retailers, that would include us.  People will not die if they can't order glasses right now.  It is unneccesary risk.  And I don't want to use all of my sick time, holiday pay and paid time off just to cover the loss of hours and pay if I decide not to be at work.  It's a horrible position to be in.  For now, since we only have one case in our county, I am continuing to work but may take 1-2 days off each week until things get back to normal. 
Despite all of the stress, I managed to lose a little more weight, bringing my total loss so far this year to 10 pounds.  I am really happy with that.  I am now at 185 pounds, a weight that seems to be a natural set point for me if I don't work at making it go down.  I will admit I have had a beer or two and we ordered pizza on St. Patrick's Day too, in an effort to make my kids (and ourselves) feel some little bit of normalcy or happy celebratory feelings; anything but worry and stress.  I know I was comfort-eating but I controlled the portion more that I wanted to. 
I know we'll make it through this.  I worry more for our parents, with cancer, heart issues, and emphysema in the mix, they are vulnerable.  I really pray for everyone that we will have blessings left to count when this is all said and done. 
Take care of you and yours!


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