
Monday I got back on track with yoga and eating, I even tracked my food and despite being allowed up to 100g of carbs a day, I came in less than 50g. I really just chose simple meals out of laziness but they happen to be lower carb so it works. I have mentioned on here several times that I have sinus tarsi syndrome in my left ankle. I've had it for more than 2 years now. I believe it was from rolling my ankle so much. The apartment where we used to live had big pine trees in the area where we were told to bring our dogs for "bathroom breaks". I was usually out there before sunrise so I couldn't see the pinecones on the ground and would constantly roll my ankle on them. Finally I ended up with what I thought was going to be a permanent, super-ball sized swollen (painful) area on the outside of Mt ankle. I got a cortisone shot for it when the podiatrist was checking the opposite foot for the torn achilles. The cortisone worked for a week at best, then right back to pain. This area get so very irritated by anything that makes me rely on it for balance, lunges, tree pose, even warrior poses. walking bothers it too. Still, there's not much I can do so I try to ignore it because I know losing weight will help. Monday evening I was sitting in a comfy chair messaging a friend and got up to get something and my ankle made such a terrible snapping/tearing sound that my husband looked at me concerned. I didn't feel anything right away, in fact, the sinus tarsi pain was absent for once. I said, "Hmmm, it doesn't hurt, I think I'm fine." My husband used to be a skateboarder and has a totally insane threshold for pain so I know if something concerns him it's not just nothing. By the time I went upstairs, took a photo and came back down, my ankle was swollen the size of half a tennis ball. With ice and elevation I got the swelling down to slightly more than normal. I feel pretty good except if I try to push off the foot there's pain and when I am on the unstable snow/frozen ground and have to try to stabilize my ankle it burns a little. Today when I had the dog out I rolled in on the snow/ice. Ouch. it's really swollen again. So, the universe taketh away my yoga right now. I might see how the stationary bike feels if I get brave this week or I might just chill out on the exercise until it starts hurting less. I am hoping that snap I heard/felt was an impingement releasing itself and that once the ankle heals I won't have it anymore. Fingers crossed.


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