Floating On

Quick recap of my last few days
Friday, morning yoga, took my son to a doctor's appointment, went to work a little later and had an extremely busy afternoon.  Ate a frozen bean burrito for dinner, we did not go out. 
Saturday, slept late, which made me a little groggy and blue.  Skipped yoga because the boys and I had plans since my hubby had to work all weekend.  I got groceries and then we hit the amusement park.  So so busy there, had to wait 1/2 to 1 hour to get on each ride.  My son allergy got tested hardcore and I have been miserably itchy since.  The sun exhausted me, but I still got the dog out and cooked a nice family dinner.  Yoga did not happen on Saturday, which bummed me out a little, but I just didn't have the energy when the time was available.  No biggie. 
Sunday I made sure to do the yoga in the morning.  I pretty much spent the whole day on genealogy, an indulgence to me, and it feels restorative and restful, but my eyes do get tired from all the screen time.  I felt drained, almost hung-over from the sun exposure the day before so I needed a low-key day and I'm happy I got it.
Sunday night I got a message from someone who is apparently related to me and my dad, our DNA matches at a significant enough amount that she could be a cousin or neice to my dad. This girl who reached out said that her mom was a stripper and claims she was raped by a man when she was 18 and that's how this girl was conceived.  The girl takes it with a grain of salt because she reports her mom's mental health status as not stable and her memory is unreliable.  It also may be an attempt to cover up her promiscuity which she is not proud of. At any rate, someone in my family tree is this girl's father and I agreed to help if I can. 
I spent all of my time on Monday morning talking to this girl who is a cousin to me in some form.  It will be a long, difficult process to figure out the puzzle but I am determined.  Because of my focus being on that, I didn't make time for yoga yesterday morning.  I didn't notice any mood or physical setbacks from it but I did want to see if I could squeeze it into my short Monday evening after work.  I get home from work around 7pm on Mondays, and go to bed at 10.  That doesn't leave a lot of time for everyone that needs my attention, but I made it work anyway, while my family was preoccupied.  Doing it in the evening still felt really good and didn't keep me awake.  I usually get a really great buzz through my body after yoga. 
This morning, I was going to save the yoga for evening, but my body was craving the blood flow so I did it.  Today was "Center" so we worked on our core.  This one challenged me and I felt really connected to the correct movements.  I was a little shaky afterwords, so I know I had a good workout. Change won't happen if I don't challenge myself, so I am learning to accept the shakiness as part of my growth.  Although this yoga isn't so challenging that only certain people can do it, it does take a conscious effort and a midfulness to form and I'm proud of myself for sticking with it because it is not the lazy way out for once.  I am out of the honeymoon phase with yoga and I'm still pretty happy with the marriage and willing to make it work.  I see more obstacles in the near future, but if I plan ahead and make time for it I know my body will reap the rewards. 
I won't share it today, because I will have to search for it again, but this morning I watched a Ted Talk video about why working out seems so much more of a challenge for some people. It talked about the role of perception of exertion and how that plays a role in how much exertion we actually perceived a task to take once we have finished.  There is a correlation to motivation, perceived exertion before the task and after, and what they call 'keeping your eye on the prize'.  I will post the link to the video when I find it, because I do think it can be helpful in changing ourselves longterm.
That's about it for my recap today.  Not super exciting but still some progress! Some days that's all we have to float on and I will take it!


  1. You had some very good progress! You kept up with the yoga, had some crazy busy days and took time for yourself. That is a huge win in my books!!

    1. Thank you MaryFran! It looks like you are doing awesome on your journey right now! That's a great inspiration to me.


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