Just Simple

I am starting to act a little like a drug addict where my vitamin D is concerned.  I waited all weekend to be able to take it and get my usual rush of energy and glow.  But as luck would have it, the kids and I are in the midst of some sort of virus that feels suspiciously like Chicken Pox.  I was disappointed that it wasn't like a miracle drug yesterday, but I woke with crusty eyes and a headache, my body feeling as if I'd been dragged behind a moving vehicle.  Needless to say I didn't get to the gym, and spent the extra long day at work, counting the time until I could go home and rest.  And that is a very unrealistic dream of mine, because I rarely rest when I'm home. 
This morning, I had great intentions, I set my alarm for 4:30, planning on making up for the workout I missed yesterday.  It was 6:18am when I finally woke up, I never heard the alarm.  I haven't slept that deep in years!  I guess I needed it.  Luckily I still had enough time to get myself and the kids ready for our day.  But when I got to work, I was feeling all stiff and cold, my body aware of how much better I would have felt if I'd gotten in some sort of workout.  I might be able to do something at work if this slow pace keeps up.  Waking up late really has a way of throwing me off my rhythm. 
Oh well, tomorrow's another chance.  I will make my alarm louder so I don't miss it again.  I'm still trying, still on track and still just getting something done nearly everyday.  Sometimes that is as complicated as it needs to be.
Happy Tuesday!


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