Chugging Along

Yesterday I didn't exercise.  I had been tossing and turning for a while when the alarm went off at 4:30 and I decided to get up anyway because I didn't think my quality of sleep would be worth laying there another half hour.  But I made the mistake of opening up Facebook and that led to me watching my window of opportunity to exercise slip away.  I decided I could try to get some steps in at work or workout after work but I did neither.  I found myself starting to glaze over when a long-winded customer started telling me about all chores he had scheduled for the day.  I was tired and I did not do much. 
Today I weighed myself on my home scale and it said 184, so no loss despite me being squeaky clean all week and moving 4 out of 5 days.  Sigh.  I know it takes longer than a week but I was hoping for at least one measly pound.  Then again, I did get off my diuretic pill as well, so I probably gained some water weight and then re-lost a little of that this week.  Still, I don't want to stress out over it, I don't like letting the scale dictate my mood. 
I will say this: tracking makes me uber aware of food.  I tend to think that I typically eat pretty good, but I noticed last night (after having missed my afternoon snack and being famished) as I was cooking my dinner, I wanted to eat a slice of cheese while I waited.  It's the type of thing I do frequently; a sort of appetizer.  I haven't thought much about it but it can really add some calories, fat and salt just in that nibble that takes mere seconds to eat.
I also had a moment with some Reese's PB eggs that someone brought in as a thank you.  I looked at the nutrition label,
knowing if I had any it would just be one.  Nutritionally, for one little egg, it's not a deal breaker.  But then I started comparing it to my Luna bar that I have been having as an afternoon snack and I thought, if I'm going to have calories, I might as well get more food for it than one measly little piece of candy!  But the final straw was when I scanned the label into the Fooducate app. 
I love how it breaks down why it's complete garbage for your body.  After seeing that, I felt bad about having wanted it in the first place.  I wanted the flavor of it but that only lasts a few seconds, if you don't count that sugar-phlegm that gets trapped at the back of your throat when you eat chocolate. I was seeking more flavor because my salad didn't have enough hot sauce and tasted bland.  I fixed that by having a piece of minty gum and went about my business, happy I made a good choice. These things helped me today when I saw some of those eggs still sitting in the breakroom.  I could have eaten a whole bunch of them if I wanted, and my brain sort of considered having one, but then I just reminded myself about how I felt yesterday after seeing what junk they really are. I poured chunky salsa on my (taco) salad today and it is much more flavorful and satisfying. 
I danced this morning, but I have a goal to find out where I put my dumbbell weights when we moved so I can start doing more strength training next week
Despite the scale not showing much going on, I am planning to stick to my current plan of eating and working out.  I may even keep my menu fairly similar next week so that I don't have to enter so much stuff for tracking!  I may even decide to take measurements so I can better see the changes, but that's a slippery slope that makes me focus on the outside instead of what this is really supposed to be about, fixing my bloodwork.  I'll play it by ear.  It would be ridiculous for me to say I don't want to lose weight out of all this.  I do think I look better and have more energy with less weight to have to schlepp around.
Anyway, I'm still chugging along and I feel pretty good about it.  I think this is going to be a pretty good summer for me in keeping the ball rolling in the right direction.


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