Tuesday but no Tacos

Sometimes the weekends and Mondays are so busy that I welcome Tuesday as if it were Friday.  Today is no exception.  Between Thursda and Monday I had 3 meetings, one appointment, one urgent care for a kid with a ear infection, a day drive, and all the regular house chores I usually have on my plate, and I also did yoga all weekend.  By the time I got to work at noon yesterday I was pretty wiped out.  It doesn't help that I have been desperately trying to stave off the headcold that my kids are finally getting over, and Aunt Flow is running late for her visit so I'm pissed off waiting for her. LOL.  I actually feel pretty good this morning.  I got my flu shot and didn't feel a thing, and it's going to be a beautiful, sunny fall day, and even though I won't get to be out there or even see it (my office doesn't have windows) I know its out there and that's enough. 
Over the weekend, during our drive up the penninsula, I was already getting a sore throat, and it was raining most of the day, everything was so flooded, squishy-wet and it was colder than my fragile little self can handle.  We did have some magnificent view driving along the cliffs overlooking the bay, we got to see how the other half lives, the millionair mansions on the cliffs.  I don't particularly dream of having a place that size, but a cozy place in the woods sounds amazing!  I was pretty drained that day, my sinuses were full and I had a dull headache the whole time.  Coupled with the sore throat and the weather, and the fact that I hadn't eaten in 5 hours, I wanted to stop somewhere for a warm bowl of soup and to watch the rain from inside instead of being out in it.  My husband wasn't feeling it so we just drove straight home.  I pouted in my head for a long time and I realized that, despite the beautiful drive, I was feeling really unimpressed with our trip because it didn't end with "special food".  I did dive into a bowl of soup when I got home, and it was tastey enough, I also had some chips with it, which probably weren't necessary physically but felt necessary mentally.  Man did my brain pout over that.  My husband did appologize that we didn't stop for food and I blew it off as no biggie, but inside it did bother me.  I don't like how much it bothered me; I was well aware of how much I equate us going out as a chance to get a meal somewhere, but I didn't realize it could trigger me so much.  And I know that's a huge reason I wasn't feeling very warm nostalgia about our trip to Michigan last month, we really didn't eat any fantastic meals.  One was from a food truck, and one was at a taco shop.  The others we cooked at the cabin.  I know I need to delve into this issue deeper so I can figure out a way to make the treasure the time spent with family and not so much about the food.  It will be a process! 
And sometimes I think I have so much on my plate that I don't have much time to invest in everything that floats past my brain every day.  Maybe I should focus on my macros, maybe I should eliminate dairy, I reallly need to cut back on caffeine again, is fruit really bad for me and will it give me cancer? Do I care what I look like anymore or was that something I was chasing when I didn't know how to feel good about myself in any other way?  So many thoughts constantly rushing through my brain and not nearly enough free time to pin them down and come up with answers.  Right now I'm doing OK.  I'm still doing yoga most mornings (despite having twisted my ankle somehow, the swelling is coming down and I can still gingerly do my downward dogs), I'm eating fairly sanely but not agonizing over it, I'm not really doing anything for my mental health right now, that seems to fall through the cracks when I get busy.  It, like all things, takes effort and I am not a super-motivated person.  I do, however, typically get a boost of refreshing reset in fall and it fires me up to stay in the game (or get back into it sometimes) and push onward even though my body is asking for more calories and fats.  Any way I slice it, perimenopause is a thing, and I keep that in mind always.  I know I am not working out intensely so the scale isn't going to show me much, but I do notice that yoga is helping my flexibility and my movement, in general, is smoother. 
So that was my busy weekend and start to the week.  Maybe I'm a baby, I get overwhelmed easily when there is extra stuff in my schedule.  The week feels busy enough without all that added in.  Still, I survived and will continue to do so. 
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Happy Tuesday. I am committing to make space and time to take better care of my mental health. I need it - I will be better for and to everyone else if I do it. And I deserve it.

    1. Neca- Great job making time for mental health. I go through phases of prioritizing it, and then letting other stuff get in the way. Like most things in my life, it's an ebb and flow.

  2. Hopefully your week slows down...and you feel better!!!

    I’m with you......I don’t dream about the big mansions...the little cabin in the woods though is where my heart is!

    1. Thanks MaryFran! I do like the idea of a quiet place where neighbors aren't breathing down my neck and traffic isn't on a nonstop rush outside my door. Maybe someday, huh?


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