Every time I weight train on the weekends, I am reminded of why I don't do it. For me to be at home but unavailable to my kids, gets under their skin like an hour long crying jag gets under mine. It's not their fault, completely unintentional, but it falls into the "don't push this button" zone, when you know you can't have something you only want it more. So for my kids to be in the room with me, but unable to get close to me (for their safety and mine) is like a subtle form of torture for all of us. And even though my husband was in the other room watching a movie, they only wanted
my attention, which they got by irritating each other or by running back and forth in my room, forcing me to pause, sometimes mid-rep so that they didn't bump into the weights. It has led to the conclusion that I need to join a gym. I won't be able to be there during the week, but it will be vital for the weekends. And, at $10/month, it's a very worthwhile investment. After my weight work, I put in a half our of cardio, fifteen minutes at high intensity, fifteen at moderate intensity.
My husband and my older son, Israel at Fish Creek beach |
My younger son Zach. He adores trucks |
My son Israel acting silly, and me at the horrible restaurant |
Yesterday was beautiful weather, 85 degrees and sunny, albeit quite humid, so we decided it would be a good day for a road trip to the beach. About an hour north of Green Bay is a Door Peninsula (Door County), surrounded by the bay of Green Bay and Lake Michigan. The coastline is beautiful and charming, dotted with quaint shops, eateries and beaches. We particularily enjoy the beach at Fish Creek. After a few hours of playing hard in the water, we had lunch at a local mexican restaurant, which looked absolutely authentic and charming from the outside, but in reality, the food and service were very subpar. On our way back to Green Bay we stopped at a waterfall, just to cap off the day. It was a fun day in the sun, and we were all thoroughly exhausted by the time we got home.
This morning's workout was exhillerating! I hit the pavement for some cardio as soon as I awoke. The weather was absoultely perfect, a slightly cool breeze stirring up a sunny, much drier day. I encountered so many people while I was out walking, and I will tell you that the people in Green Bay are the friendliest lot I've ever been around. People were so happy and pleasant as I passed by them, it just made my morning. I tried to keep things at a moderate pace, to try and burn more fat than calories, but some songs just amp me up and I had to keep reminding myself to slow it down a little. I originally thought I would go for a run this weekend, but I think I might just switch my 5k registration to this month rather than waiting for July's run. I think I am ready. I am not planning on making running a lifelong thing, it is too high an intensity for me since I want to maintain and even add muscle to my physique, but it will make me feel really great to complete a 5k. Running is a little too hard on my body. Last week's 3 mile run made my legs, back, and hips sore for the better part of the week. The ibuprophen I took before the run helped my knees not feel too bad, but having to take ibuprophen
before doing something is a good sign that it's something I probably shouldn't be doing long-term. And I'm OK with that. Running isn't a passion, just a test of my fitness level. I can't outwit my age.
I'm happy I didn't back out of my weekend workouts this weekend. It proved to me that there is a roadblock there, but also that there is an answer to that problem.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
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