Monday Catch Up

I feel a little steamrolled by my schedule lately so this will be a short post (I hope!)
I visited my mom over the weekend, it was bittersweet, just like she is.  Seriously, it's like if someone came and poured vinegar in my koolaid.  She is a caustic, angry person, motivated by an anxiety she would never admit she has, and she thinks she is right about everything.  The worst part is, she has been using Google as her personal advisor and health advisor.  UGH.  But some of the visit was lovely, we looked through photos of ancestors and did a little genealogy.  She really talks and talks and it's hard to get a word in edgewise, so I was drained by the time I began my nearly 2 hour drive home at sunset. 
Sunday was church, and we eneded up staying way later than we wanted to because the reverend wanted to talk and talk to us, as she is prone to do, and the conversation turned to politics so it was an edge-of-your-seat conversation of which I kept my mouth shut.  It was all friendly and no feelings got hurt.  I love the people at my church, its an old Spiritualist church so we learn how to channel spirits from beyond (cue creepy holloween music) and talk to angels and such.  Lol.  So finding like-minded people is a great bonding experience.  But Sunday has such a feel to it, and I hate having to do my laundry so late in the day.  We were celebrating the founders birthday (the church was founded in 1886, so the founder has been on the other side since 1900), so I brought a cake.  I ate some at lunch and had a little more last night and a piece right after yoga this morning.  I am in the 2 week lul in my cycle which makes me crave sweets like mad.  I don't even like buttercream frosting AT ALL but I didn't feel like resisting the cake. 
So much busy.  I did my yoga, I'm all the way to day 22 already!  I got ready for taking my son for a dentist appointment and all the while my husband, bestie, sister and mom were messaging me and I was trying to find my son's missing stick of deoderant so we weren't late to the dentist.  The messages kept going between my sister, bestie and mom (3 separtate conversations) then I finally had to ignore them all for a while to get my son to his appointment, do some light housework and head to work.  Then I could let my breath out a little.  This week there are a few more things on my plate, but I will remind myself this is a normal amount of things most people do, while maintaining a cleaner house than mine!  Not as a downer, but to make sure I'm not pouting over what is a normal amount of things to coordinate in life.  I tend to feel sorry for myself if I don't get enough down time.  Truth is, I am looking forward to Wednesday when I see the chiropractor.  I am crossing my fingers that he will say I don't have to go anymore. 
Anyway. I am busy but I'm going to take it in stride or fake it til I make it.  Still rocking out the yoga and really liking it.  That's about it.  Happy Monday!


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