
I haven't posted in a while because I feel like I keep going through the same old arguments in my head and what's the point of writing about it again and again?  Yet I do feel like it helps to get thoughts down, if only to stick to one thought before scurrying off to the next.  
At the forefront of my mind right now is my PMLE (sun allergy).  I spent all weekend in the sun in one way or another and I'm suffering for it now.  I have tried so many things to try to avoid the burning, inflamed skin and torturous itch to no avail.  So I research.  I finally found something that sounds logical, a virus that tied all the loose threads together.  Epstein-Barr Virus is latent in a good portion of us, and takes the opportunity to attack us when we are worn out.  It happens in stages with each stage becoming more serious.  A lightbulb went on for me.  The sun allergy came first for me, then the hypothyroidism and Raynaud's.  All of these are connected to one another and the next stage includes autoimmune disease and diseases of the central nervous system.  I have not been tested for EBV and many doctors don't test it or know how to treat it if you are positive.  I have been reading more about it though and it looks like a plant based diet that eliminates gluten, dairy, processed sugars and meat products is the best way to combat EBV.  I belong to Facebook support groups for both my thyroid issue and my PMLE and in both groups I have seen multiple people saying their symptoms got much better or even disappeared when they either ate GFDF or plant based vegan.  I was overwhelmed and resistant to the idea of switching to such a strict way of eating because I am assuming it will take so much more work and I will not like the food, but I am considering giving it a try out of pure curiosity about if it will help my symptoms, especially of my sun allergy.  
I have cut way back on dairy in the past few weeks and haven't missed it at all.  Part of my decision (as someone who lives in "the dairy state" and loves cheese) was in the amount of saturated fat.  I have also heard that eating a lot of dairy can lead to inflammation in the body, can cause sinus issues (which I have year round) and can make you more tired.  Who needs that? I do think if I go plant based I would do it all at once instead of weaning off of things.  It's really ridiculous but one of my little "yeah but" thoughts kicking around my head is what would I do when we go out to eat.  It is almost always built into my husband's weekends off and I do so love it.  I suppose I would have to figure that part out. 
I found a new seminar that I might sign up for, and in order to get you hooked they give you 4 free videos.  One that I watched was a meditation on a happy place. I first started it thinking it was pretty hokey and maybe it was or maybe my brain was in an overly critical place, but as it went on, she had you imagine your perfect morning, the daytime and evening.  I realized that all 3 parts of my "perfect" day revolved around being outside.  In the morning I was by the lake at sunrise, I started by myself after a peaceful walk to the lake then my husband met up with me at the lake.  My daytime was spent gardening and reading a book on the porch.  My evening was spent by a fire pit with my husband.  It was an eye opener for sure, and while I typically don't like going on road trips on Sundays due to having housework to get done, I took my meditation as a sign that I should get outside and enjoy summer before it's gone.  We drove by some small lakes and Lake Michigan and saw a lot of pretty views along the way.  I found myself not noticing the typical Sunday blues I get from thinking about the workweek ahead.  
I also got my Bettie bangs haircut yesterday and I feel edgy and cute again.  It's funny how a haircut can change my self-image and self-esteem so dramatically. I love it!  
This week I am sticking to a fairly low carb menu and still limiting my dairy (one yogurt cup per day).  I'm going to put some serious work into researching plant-based foods and see where I am next week! 


  1. We have been going through phases where we are primarily plant based (except for cheese...I just can’t get there I don’t mind the change either.

    1. It's much more challenging for the mind than the body, no? I haven't stuck to anything I've attempted in so long. Maybe that's just how life is.


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