The Story

After 4 videos of the Chasing the Present summit, I have decided to start over and take notes. I want to record things that are reaching me and give proper time to reflect on them and share them here for now so maybe it can help someone else. I rewatched the first video Friday and wrote two full pages of notes. Video one was Russell Brand. He was once addicted to drugs and alcohol and used spirituality and clean living to overcome all of that. I have not regarded him as a guru on all things spiritual but some things he said made sense and can help me on my journey. feelings of worthlessness is a symptom of disconnection. Our society is geared toward selfishness and self-centeredness but our connection to others is therapeutic. When we shut ourselves away and make everything about us, it is easy to make up stories about being the victim. He mentioned an experiment where a lady was having a portion of her brain stimulated that made her cry. when asked why she was crying she said, "Because my sister died." The doctor explained to her that she was crying because he stimulated that part of her brain. We want to make sense of our actions so sometimes we fill in our own blanks with guesses or embellishments in order to have it make sense somehow. He also said that at one time in history, when we were not wealthy and comfortable, people were commodities or tools. People had big families so they had extra help on the farms. Neighbors helped neighbors, people worked together but we looked on each other as "How can this person be useful to me" (even in marriage back then). Now that we have industry we use people for pleasure. He says when we realized that the ideals of society don't fulfill us we look for fulfillment in other places; food, sex, drugs, shopping, gambling etc. The bad part is those things don't fulfill us either but a lot of people would rather fill in those blanks in ways that make them keep repeating destructive cycles than reconnect with themselves to find that fulfillment. His keys to happiness are to meditate and help others at least once a day. For me, the bit about my ideals of my own worth based on society's ideals of success hit home. I feel like I have to be convenient for others. At home I schedule everything and handle a good portion of taking kids to appointments (and dog)...I am the administrator of the home not because I feel like it will fulfill me but because I don't want to inconvenience anyone else with it. Having so much on my plate exhausts me mentally and saps my spirits. I don't take the time for myself. Russell Brand also said something very simple you can do to pull yourself 'out of your story' is to become aware of what you are doing, how you move your arm, the thoughts that pop into your head automatically, the story you're telling yourself. Once you're aware you can determine what is real and where the story is covering up the truth we don't want others to see. Pretty deep stuff. It was a good way to start the series in my opinion.


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