Good Deal!

So, yesterday was such an "up" day for me.  I felt so good after my workout, and my spirits stayed high all day and into the evening.  Part of it was in the decision that I really am going to go through with this contest.  I read all the directions and started getting ready for my "before" photos.  I needed to be wearing a sports bra and "workout shorts" that are short enough to clearly see the legs.  YIKES!  I don't own said shorts, so I went to Target to see what I could find in size "disgusting".  A few posibilities, but a little bit expensive for something I would only be wearing once or only underneath something else.  So, onto Walmart.  As luck would have it, there was nothing that would work in the main fitness clothing area, but as I was wandering around I found a lonely rack of clearance items and on it was a 3 pc outfit that would work perfectly.  It was an OP set of t-shirt, workout shorts, and leg warmers.  All for $3!!!  Yay!  The exilleration of getting such a good deal, particularily when I am unemployed, only added fuel to my high.  They had only one set left in my size.  Well, slightly smaller than my size to be honest, but for the price I couldn't pass it up.  I rushed home and took my "before" pictures, and it was so horrifying the way I look!  My husband asked if I was going to post them on here, and I said I don't think I'm ready for that.  Maybe in a month or two, once I don't still look like that. The thought of, at the end of July, I will be able to post some "after" photos, for the first time in my life, is pretty exciting.  The structure of having a goal and a date will drive me.  I am a creature of structure.
So I know I said I wasn't going to post my weight until Monday, but I just keep losing this week.  I went from 192 on Monday, to 183 today.  I know I lost at least half of that from my blood pressure pill, but wow, I was expecting to have to really fight hard to get these pounds off this time.  I know I will hit that plateau, probably sooner than in the past, but I am still losing.  And, each time I start this diet over, I am at a lower and lower weight than the last time.  So, I am hoping by the end of next week, to be under 180.  I seriously don't remember when the last time was that I saw those numbers. I am so happy I made the decision to give this another try.  Tank tops, here I come!


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